Heron Manor Hampshire

ADDRESSHeron Manor Care Home, Reading Road North, Fleet, Hampshire, GU51 4AL
CARE Residential, Dementia, Respite and Nursing

Welcome to Heron Manor

Our care home in Fleet, Hampshire, will be home to residents with nursing, dementia, and residential care needs. We’re due to open in early 2026, but you can join our waiting list today by registering your interest.

and Love
our care

It’s important to take a step back and think about the reality of why our residents have joined us which is that, ultimately, they need some sort of care and support. We can offer care that will give family members peace of mind while embracing our residents’ needs and giving them the opportunity to live a happy and fulfilled life.


Activities Food Wellness

with purpose
the facilities

When we first embarked on this journey, it was so important to us to create spaces that are homely, superior in quality, and give you a sense of comfort and familiarity when you walk through the door. We’ve worked with some of the best in the business to create spaces that are designed to complement care provisions and enhance well-being.

Designed <br>with purpose

Hydrotherapy Pool

A specialist pool for our residents to exercise in, with the help of our trained physiotherapist.

Spacious Bedrooms

Farmhouse Kitchen

A second
your expert team

We’re a small team right now, led by our founders, Ash and Nisha but we’ll soon be recruiting a brilliant care team for this home.

Join the Principle Team

Come and
say Hi
where to find us

There’s not much to see just yet, as we’re in the midst of construction. But register your interest and we’ll make sure you receive an invite as soon as we’re up and running!

Get Directions

Register your interest

What the
Professionals think

As a new home in-the-making, we’re yet to be inspected by the Care Quality Commission. As soon as we do, we’ll publish our rating and report here.

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Our first home is now open

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